The Opposite of a Revolution

The evolution of living beings, as a whole, is in absolute contradiction to the science of inert matter. It is in disagreement with the second principle of thermodynamics, the keystone of our science, based on the laws of chance. The reason and even the fact of evolution are, therefore, not of the realm of our present science. … Everything has taken place as if, ever since the birth of the original cell, Man had been willed … This Will manifests itself, therefore, through evolution, and its goal is the realization of a morally perfect being, completely liberated from human passions—egotism, greed, lust for power—hereditary chains, and physiological bondage. … Henceforth, evolution develops on a different plane, a plane no longer physical but psychological. … And psychological evolution is expressed mainly by the improvement of abstract, moral, and spiritual ideas. ~ Pierre Lecomte du Noüy, Human Destiny

In a well-organized society, those capable of abstract, moral, and spiritual ideas will be the thought leaders. Next will be the political class motivated primarily by power, and then the producing class motivated by greed. The latter two classes will moderate their inherent lust for power and greed under the influence of the spiritual class. In this way, also, the masses will be protected from the excesses of the political and producing classes.

The Revolution seeks to reverse that order by returning to the state of inert matter. That is why the Revolution rejects God with the implication that matter alone is the driving force of evolution. This is most clearly expressed by Karl Marx. Hence, he can say:

The Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things.

Their method is critique of specific things, since abstract ideas have no place. The goal of the critique is to use specific events to undermine the entire system. This technique has proven effective.

In the West, this has given rise to right wing groups, most often incompatible with each other. What ties them together are various “issues” which lack any guiding principles. In this regard, the tactics are similar to the Revolution. They engage in a critique of the critique. You might think that a critique of a critique would result in a positive affirmation, but, alas, that is not the case.

They do not heed Joseph de Maistre’s warning:

What is needed is not a revolution in the opposite direction, but the opposite of a revolution.

The opposite of a revolution is not a critique but rather the affirmation and restoration of abstract, moral, and spiritual ideals. Instead, we see groups engage in immoral goals and tactics, devoid of spiritual ideals. That is why they have all crashed and burned over the past 20 years, with their erstwhile leaders ending in disgrace.

If you don’t know the story, you may watch some of this tedious confessional video. It is the history of children trying to lead the counter-revolution without regard to any higher principles.

4 thoughts on “The Opposite of a Revolution

  1. Point, there are and they are worth the fight.

  2. Excellent Quote by de Maistre!

  3. What are you getting at? Have there never been any traditional societies?

  4. A restoration of Authority, which is ipso facto based in Truth from those who can hear the Truth and live it is the only option that can have results. Who builds a house without laying out the foundation and the materials for the whole project?

    As many have probably realized in their disillusionment, this is truly on the personal and maco-levels, groups, movements, countries, systems. They are all only as real as they model the true Person. Without a first principle of Truth, they fail eventually. The only difference is timing based on the level of being and its workings.

    Will people agree to start with Truth first even if they do not know the name?

Please be relevant.

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