Fall Schedule 2021

That is why it is so extremely important to tell children fairytales and legends, and to inculcate religious ideas (dogmas) into grown-ups, because these things are instrumental symbols with whose help unconscious contents can be canalized into consciousness, interpreted, and integrated. Failing this, their energy flows off into conscious contents which, normally, are not much emphasized, and intensifies them to pathological proportions. We then get apparently groundless phobias and obsessions: crazes, idiosyncrasies, hypochondriac ideas, and intellectual perversions suitably camouflaged in social, religious, or political garb. ~ Carl Jung, Aion

This is the publication schedule for the Fall season.

Monday: Search for the Holy Grail

On Mondays we have several online meetings at various times. There are two types.

  • Practice. These are guided discussions that help the participants learn practical techniques to develop concentration, meditation, introspection, self-observation, and so on. Through these exercises, the participant uncovers the subconscious forces and negative emotions that have been driving his life. He learns how to overcome those forces and ultimately integrate them into the Real Self.
  • Discussion. Based on the self-knowledge developed through practice, we discuss various texts in the manner of a group Lectio Divina. Recent texts have included works by Boris Mouravieff, Valentin Tomberg, Rene Guenon, and Owen Barfield.

We stress that the discussion is always based on practice. I recently heard of a group that was studying various ancient texts in order to develop a “model’ of the person. Our approach, the esoteric and traditional approach, is to “be” a person. The former is intellectual, the latter requires an ontological transformation of one’s state of being.

If you don’t understand that distinction, then you might be happier being a professor. If you do understand, the you may be called to embark on the spiritual quest. Remember, however, that many are called but few are chosen.

(Send a note if you are interested in participation.)

Wednesday: Metaphysical Foundations

There will be a post on the metaphysical foundations of Tradition.

Casual Fridays

This will be lighter fare, starting with movie reviews and even traditional family recipes.

Sunday: Metaphysical Foundations

There will be a post on the metaphysical foundations of Tradition. Ultimately, Wednesday and Sundays should alternate between theoretical discussions and practical applications.

Although I sometimes get strong and nasty criticisms, I also receive strong statements of support. I thank you for those.

Please be relevant.

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