The Apples of the Hesperides – Hercules’ Eleventh Labor

With the ancients, we affirm that no man consciously would will Evil. Which is why it is the duty of every man of Order to subdue himself, that when he creates, he may create according to the whole Eye of Light, perceiving the Logos not through a glass darkly, but almost face-to-face. Continue reading

Restoration, Revival, Renaissance

The order of these nouns is deliberate. Secular humanists desire to have the last without either of the first two, particularly and most insistently, the first. Christians are generally unconcerned or even aware of the first, & if it is brought to their attention, they become truculent. The third also … Continue reading

On Job and Suffering

On Job and Suffering There never was, and never will be a place on earth free from sorrows. The only sorrow-less place possible is in the heart, when the Lord is present there. – St Nikon of Optima I. Introduction Job in the Bible is a powerful text. It can … Continue reading

Benedictines and Lectio Divina

1. Introduction : the Voice of God When we speak of the Bible, we speak of the Christ-Logos as the recapitulation of the Word of God as it fills the universe as a sign of God’s will, inscribed in the order of all things. It is therefore necessary to meditate … Continue reading

Never the Twain Shall Meet

I chose to write on The Dark Cloud of Unknowing to illustrate something that is true that has been discussed here (that East & West are not divergent in Tradition). The author was an anonymous Englishman during the 14th century; ergo, a quintessential “Western” mystic on an isolated island in … Continue reading

Absence as presence: the resurrection and exaltation of Christ

When the Divine Light penetrates the soul, it is united with God as light with light. This is the light of faith. Faith bears the soul to heights unreachable by her natural senses and faculties. Meister Eckhart — Resurrection and faith are a critical matter for Christians; especially in this … Continue reading

Some Observations Concerning Guenon, Initiation, and Spiritual Exercises

All that exists potentially is advanced to actuality by the agency of something which is actually what the other is potentially: the partially potential by that which is actual in the same partial respect, and the wholly potential by the wholly actual — Proclus, Metaphysical Elements, Proposition 77 Every so … Continue reading

The Bible of Amiens

Romanides argues that the Franks decimated Roman urbanization & established feudalism in an effort to maintain a precarious grip on overextended power from their home bases: “In the time of Pippin of Herestal (697-715) and Charles Martel (715-741), many of the Franks who replaced Roman bishops were military leaders who, … Continue reading

Techniques of Prayer

With the initial disclaimer that (in the Christian religion) one must beware of “over-systematizing” the grace of God into specific techniques, the following is shared for the possible benefit of readers who are interested in esoteric Christianity. Boris Mouravieff claims that there is a collection of “scripts” called the Golden … Continue reading

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