The Apples of the Hesperides – Hercules’ Eleventh Labor

With the ancients, we affirm that no man consciously would will Evil. Which is why it is the duty of every man of Order to subdue himself, that when he creates, he may create according to the whole Eye of Light, perceiving the Logos not through a glass darkly, but almost face-to-face. Continue reading

Plotinus: The Peak of Pagan Wisdom (II)

“There is no God who fights for those who are not in arms.” This is the cornerstone of every warrior morality; and it carries back to the concepts explained above about the identification—from the metaphysical point of view—of “reality”, “spirituality”, and “virtue”. The cowardly cannot be good, “good” implies a soul of a hero. Continue reading

Plotinus: The Peak of Pagan Wisdom

Templar Cross

BE, ENDURE, become a CENTER. Through “ascesis”, through “purification”, through what Plotinus himself will now make explicit. You have heard of “solar way”. This is its secret. Separated from those with disordered need, yearning soul, and confused look — more ‘non-being’ than ‘being’ — they are attracted to the invisible worlds. Continue reading

Some Aspects of the Traditional Medical World View: The Demiourgos-Physician


the worldview and practice of traditional medicine studies, contemplates, and actively harmonizes each term of the “Great Triad”, curing and ensuring health, while taking the body as “departure point” for the realization of cosmological and metaphysical Truth. Continue reading

Liturgy and the Logos

A popular refrain I hear from fellow Protestants is that “meaningless rituals”, gestures, “smells and bells”, or vain repetitions (a Scriptural phrase) won’t help find favor with God. While I am certain that ritual can (and does) degenerate into “those of darkness” who are fascinated with the dead (Rene Guenon) … Continue reading

When the King Enjoys His Own Again

When Cromwell presided over the Puritanification (and therefore, the ultimate modernization) of England, the common people were not necessarily fooled as to what the end result would be. For them, it was mainly about the lack of charity and feasting, yet the beginning of the song makes clear that they … Continue reading

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