How to Break an Egg

One of the central teachings of Confucianism is that one should remonstrate with authority. Many Confucians throughout history disputed their superiors in order to not only prevent the superiors and the rulers from wrongdoing, but also to maintain the independent spirits of the Confucians. Continue reading

Intergalactic Columbus Day

Things seem to be going well until they reach their teenage years. They having been unknowably taking a daily drug that reduces libido and helps with anger management. A couple of the boys discover the purpose of the drug, which they then stop taking; by mimicry, they all stop taking the daily dose. This decision brings violence and sexual desire into the ship for the first time. Continue reading

On Being a Person

What is virtual is not our reality within the Principle, but only the awareness we may have of it as manifested beings, which is obviously something quite different; and it is only through metaphysical realization that this awareness of our true being, which is beyond and above all becoming can become effective, that is actualized in the awareness Continue reading

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