Theodicy and the Other Woman

The film then appeals to two conflicting drives in contemporary women: the desire for independence versus the age-old propensity for female hypergamy. Carly gets Kate’s brother along with his beach house in the Hamptons. Amber marries Carly’s wealthy and much older father, so they can travel without financial concerns. Continue reading

Philosophy Around the World

Although Keyserling appreciates the wisdom of the East, believing it to be superior to the West, he sees them as unsuitable for practical life. Europeans strive to manifest their ideals in the physical world. Continue reading

Spiritual Pilgrims: Carl Jung and Teresa of Avila

Father John Welch is a member of the Carmelite Order and a Jungian who has lectured and written extensively on the meaning and practice of St. Teresa d’Avila’s Interior Castle in tandem with Jungian psychology, especially where it concerns the process of Individuation.  Father Welch’s lectures and writings serve equally … Continue reading

Ascesis and Anti-Europe

Alma Dancer

This is authored by Havismat (Guido De Giorgio), from Volume 2 of Introduction to Magic. We see more of the paradoxical style of his writing. He reveals some personal details about his time in Tunisia and his experience with Sufis. See Short Note on Woman in East and West for … Continue reading

The Idea of the World in the West

Real World

The criterion of certainty for the Oriental is not criticism and logic, but rather that of a “transcendental experience”. Continue reading

The Idea of the World in the East (II)

This review by Julius Evola of “The Science of Peace” and “The Science of the Sacred Word” by Bhagavan Das originally appeared in Bilychnis, volume XXVI, September, 1925. This is part two of two parts. The third part will deal with the idea of the world in the West. Pratyagatma … Continue reading

The Idea of the World in the East

This very early review by Julius Evola of “The Science of Peace” and “The Science of the Sacred Word” originally appeared in Bilychnis, volume XXVI, September, 1925. This is part one of two parts. The third part will deal with the idea of the world in the West. NOTE: This … Continue reading

Some Aspects of the Traditional Medical World View: The Demiourgos-Physician


the worldview and practice of traditional medicine studies, contemplates, and actively harmonizes each term of the “Great Triad”, curing and ensuring health, while taking the body as “departure point” for the realization of cosmological and metaphysical Truth. Continue reading

Some Observations Concerning Guenon, Initiation, and Spiritual Exercises

All that exists potentially is advanced to actuality by the agency of something which is actually what the other is potentially: the partially potential by that which is actual in the same partial respect, and the wholly potential by the wholly actual — Proclus, Metaphysical Elements, Proposition 77 Every so … Continue reading

Tradition and German Philosophy

Seven Sages

It may be hard to accept that the physical world is the creation of my “I”, but if we restrict ourselves to the social world, it gains much more credibility. Specifically, it reveals itself in the modern idea that our social world is a construct. Continue reading

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