How to become a Mage

This will, I hope, be an ongoing series of quotations from Josephin Peladan’s How to become a Mage (Comment on devient Mage). Perhaps there is still a chance to form young men with a free mind, not stuck in useless propaganda hoary with age.

The art of life doesn’t consist in living large, but rather in living consciously.
L’art de la vie ne consiste pas a beaucoup vivre, mais a vivre consciemment. (p 151)

Love inseminates, that is, it awakens in us, multiple impressions, only by imagination and desire; it is therefore evil to do the carnal act, and the least is the best. For sensual pleasure is not in the spasm, but in the prior excitable progression.

L’amour ne feconde, c’est-a-dire n’eveille en nous de multiples impressions, que par l’imagination et le desir ; il est donc mauvais de perpetrer l’oeuvre de chair, et le moins c’est le mieux. Car la volupte n’est pas dans le spasme, mais dans la progression nerveuse anterieure. (p 111)

2 thoughts on “How to become a Mage

  1. Surround yourselves with clear thought forms and loving-compassionate openness of the heart Centre, and ask the Father in secret to reveal to you His Will, which is your own True Will.

    One form of interesting “conversations in the ruling tables of the Cosmocratores”, I talk to myself, and to the different aspects of the cosmic powers within me, which means in reality that I magically converse with my Self, with whom I believe I have a Connection. Many times I speculate the things of the world like this and say my own opinion about the matter, and then say to it that but my opinion doesn’t matter, but I Will that yours is done, My Father in the Heavens.

    That is my kind of magic.

  2. “I am this leads to bondage; I am not this leads to Liberation.” – Tantric Adage

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