Kublai Khan

The dissolution of the Mongolian realm took place in silence, almost uncannily. Hollowed out as though by termites the colossus still stood for a number of decades merely because in an Asia weakened by what had passed there was nothing to take its place. Finally, almost without any external inducement, it collapsed and fell to dust. Continue reading

Saint Constantine the Great

the greatest miracle of Christianity was succeeding in asserting itself among the European peoples, even taking account the decadence into which numerous traditions of these peoples had plunged. Medieval civilisation would be inconceivable, without phenomena such as the appearance of the great Knightly orders, Thomism, a certain mysticism of a high level (e.g., Meister Eckhart) Continue reading

Attack Thoughts and Cold Hearts


These tales were not told in a church, where things must be spoken of with the proper frame of mind and suitable words. Nor were they held in schools of the philosophers, where a sense of propriety is required. But they were told in a garden, in a place suited for pleasure, in the presence of young people, who were nevertheless mature and not easily misled by stories. Continue reading

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