The Establishment of a Traditional Society: Priests (III)

⇐ Part II This is the third and final installment from Guido De Giorgio‘s chapter on the priestly caste from La Tradizione Romana [The Roman Tradition]. He continues the discussion on faith. He points out that when the priesthood deteriorates, it gives rise to priesthood of solitary Ascetics. Although they … Continue reading

Dante and the Holy Culmination of the Roman Tradition (4)

The purely exterior literary merits that common men [volgo], the profanum vulgus [unholy rabble], admire in Dante have no importance and would nullify the value of the Comedy in the very eyes of Dante and of those who can and know how to understand the purpose for which the poem … Continue reading

Dante and the Holy Culmination of the Roman Tradition (3)

It is not easy to express this succession and fusion that must not be considered historically but on a plane where the symbolic values remain such even if unknown or misunderstood until a new light suddenly illuminates them and reveals them. For the two traditions which we discussing, Rome is … Continue reading

Dante and the Holy Culmination of the Roman Tradition (2)

If Virgil represents the ancient tradition and Beatrice the new tradition and if, at the threshold of the Terrestrial Paradise, Virgil disappears before Beatrice, Beatrice also disappears when the divine mystery is grasped by Dante in its immediate realization and what then remains, above and beyond the two traditions unified … Continue reading

An Introduction to Guido de Giorgio

Guido Lupo Maria De Giorgio, pseudonym “Havismat” (San Lupo, October 3 1890 – Mondovi, December 27, 1957) was an esoterist and Italian writer. After graduating with a degree in philosophy, he went to Tunisia where he worked as a teacher of Italian. There, he came into contact with Islamic esoterism … Continue reading

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