A Beautiful Day to Die

Mad Samurai

In Japanese legends, the last thoughts of a dying man were believed to have irresistible powers. Lafcadio Hearn tells the story of a samurai who condemned one of his slaves to death by beheading. The slave, convinced of the injustice of the sentence, bitterly told his master, at his execution, that he would take revenge. The samurai’s family were terrified, because they understood the power of a dying man’s final thoughts. Continue reading

Tilting at Windmills

Tilting At WIndmills

The real difficulty [in understanding metaphysics] is the mental assimilation needed to arrive at this result; there are certainly many minds that are quite incapable of it, and it is easy to gauge how far this effort transcends the scope of mere works of erudition. There is only one really profitable of studying doctrines: in order to be understood they must be studied so to speak “from the inside” Continue reading

Augustine and Metaphysical Positivism

Noli foras ire, in te ipsum redi: in interiore hominis habitat veritas. ~ St. Augustine In Auguste Comte’s explanation of Positivism, only data that could be experienced by the senses was acceptable. From that, laws would be inferred, free from any metaphysical or ideological presuppositions. That is sound practice for … Continue reading

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