Knowing the Nature of Things

Adam and Eve in Paradise

Adam’s genius shows itself in the fact that he gave names to the animals. Saint Augustine rated it as an act of the highest wisdom and Pythagoras recognized that the wisest man was the one who first gave names to things. In the mentality of traditional man, the name indicates the nature of a thing, and the man who knows the name of a thing fundamentally knows its nature or essence. Continue reading

The Spirit Soul

Spirit Self

Pure spirits communicate through thought transference. This has consequences for the Occult War. Men believe their thoughts are their own, even though they cannot predict what they will think of one minute from now, and seldom consider the source of thoughts. But thoughts come from the hierarchies of higher beings and angels and demons. That is why ideas can take hold of large populations at the same time. It also explains why certain thoughts tend to lump together in different individuals. Continue reading

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