Schuon vs Guenon

Time and Space

The true essence of everything always abides, though unmanifest in the inner depths of very Being, while its sensory qualities appear outwardly. For it is impossible that the Divine Ideas included in the intelligible world should be evanescent: to pretend that the content of Divine Science is evanescent would imply atheism. Continue reading

Guénon lecteur de Nietzsche

Rene Guenon

Dans son roman, Soumission, Michel Houellebecq se réfère à une thèse de philosophie, soutenue à l’université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, signée Robert Rediger, et intitulée Guénon lecteur de Nietzsche. Au cours des derniers mois, j’ai fait de nombreux efforts pour traquer une copie. Continue reading

The Road from Dante to Guenon

Cross and Eagle

Vintila Horia: There are several keys to Dante. Rene Guenon provides us the key of esoterism, which would make the “Divine Comedy” the poem par excellence from the standpoint of traditional studies. Continue reading

Guenon Reader of Nietzsche

In his novel, Submission, Michel Houellebecq refers to a philosophy dissertation, held at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, entitled Guénon lecteur de Nietzsche [Guenon Reader of Nietzsche] by Robert Rediger. Continue reading

Letter from Guenon to AKC 24VI1935

quill pen

It is well understood that all people are or have been in possession of traditions derived from a single source, but in a more or less distinct way. Continue reading

Round Table: Ossendowski, Guenon, Maritain

Rene Guenon

In 1924, Rene Guenon, Ferdynand Ossendowski, and Jacques Maritain met for a round table discussion in Paris, hosted by Frederic Lefevre. These are the notes from that meeting, originally published in the 26 July 1924 issue of “Les nouvelles littéraires”. Continue reading

Realization in the Pre-Socratics: Rene Guenon and Peter Kingsley, Some Observations

In the final chapter of Rene Guenon’s “Metaphysical Principles of Calculus” he concludes his exposition dedicating the chapter to the paradoxes of the Eleatic, Zeno, disciple of Parmenides. Guenon’s position is that Zeno’s paradoxes are not examples of an emerging scientific “rationalism” as the academic position mostly holds, but a … Continue reading

Some Observations Concerning Guenon, Initiation, and Spiritual Exercises

All that exists potentially is advanced to actuality by the agency of something which is actually what the other is potentially: the partially potential by that which is actual in the same partial respect, and the wholly potential by the wholly actual — Proclus, Metaphysical Elements, Proposition 77 Every so … Continue reading

Letters from Guenon to Guido de Giorgio (VIII)

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I was happy to see that you are completely in agreement with everything that I wrote in my last book; furthermore, the contrary would have really astonished me. The coincidences that you pointed out to me with the things that you yourself had written earlier are actually very remarkable; these agreements are certainly not the result of chance (besides which, I don’t believe at all). Continue reading

Letters from Guenon to Guido de Giorgio (VII)

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What he takes for strength and lucidity, to our eyes impairs the value of too extensive knowledge. We are frightened that in a hundred small tidy pages, he claims to reveal the ultimate knowledge on the swastika, Aum and Manu, the luz and the Shekinah, the Graal, the Mages, and the Old Man of the Mountain, and enigmas without number. Even if he divines something correct here or there, what does the result matter without demonstration? And the proof that there is only one symbolic among the diversity of religions and philosophies? Continue reading

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