The Spiritual Regeneration of the World

it is the man of vision, the man of action, who understands and engages in the greater and lesser battles who will bring it about. The world is not awaiting a new theory, since there is nothing new under the sun. Continue reading

Spirituality for the XXIst Century

As the moon is the intelligible unity in the four-dimensional manifold of positions and phases, so human subjectivity is the intelligible unity in the multi-dimensional manifold of the conscious events of a lifetime. ~ Bernard Lonergan Matter is essentially multiplicity and division; and this, be it said in passing, is … Continue reading

Some Observations Concerning Guenon, Initiation, and Spiritual Exercises

All that exists potentially is advanced to actuality by the agency of something which is actually what the other is potentially: the partially potential by that which is actual in the same partial respect, and the wholly potential by the wholly actual — Proclus, Metaphysical Elements, Proposition 77 Every so … Continue reading

Our Father Course: Week 9

Each miracle of the Gospel of St. John is simultaneously a teaching, a parable, a sign, and an event. Continue reading

Advent Meditation 3: Purity of Will

St. John of the Cross and St. Theresa d’Avila never tire of repeating that the concentration necessary for spiritual prayer is the fruit of the moral purification of the Will. Continue reading

Advent Meditation 2: Purity of Thought

The vow of obedience is the practice of silencing personal desires, emotions and imagination in the face of reason and conscience; it is the primacy of the ideal as opposed to the apparent, the nation as opposed to the personal, humanity as opposed to the nation, and God as opposed to humanity. Continue reading

Is the Black Mass Valid

black mass

by Solange Herz A frustrated wag in these confused times is said to have asked his Bishop, “Your Excellency, does attendance at the black Mass satisfy my Sunday obligation?” In view of the ceremonies now permitted in many Catholic churches, the question may not be as flippant as it sounds. … Continue reading

The Hedgehog and the Fox

Hedgehog and Fox

If you can only understand one section, you are a hedgehog. Otherwise, you might be a fox. Continue reading

The Temptations in the Wilderness

Temptation Of Jesus

Force is unspiritual time, chance the lack of causality, and matter, the mechanization of life. The results are sleep, prostration, and death. Continue reading

The Future of Intelligence

Lady Justice

One often hears said, “The facts speak for themselves.” On the contrary, the mass of empirical experiences requires an orienting principle to make sense of them. This is one’s world conception, or a person’s general conscious attitude toward the world. Continue reading

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