The Law of Success

Those who make plans will be born to carry them out. Those who make no plans need not be born. ~ Nisargadatta, I Am That

You are the “master of your fate” and the “captain of your soul,” by reason of the fact that you control your own thoughts, and, with the aid of your thoughts, you may create whatever you desire. ~ Napoleon Hill, The Law of Success

The question of why some men are successful and others are not has always intrigued me. I am speaking, of course, only of those men who seem capable of great success: they may possess intelligence, creativity, charm, education, good breeding, yet never reach certain heights. In many cases Fortune plays a role, since chance can never be eliminated from life as a factor. Although we typically write from the perspective of the first caste, this post will focus on the second and third castes, that is, those involved in political and economic activity.

Napoleon Hill, in The Law of Success, published his study of the characteristics of several successful men of his era. Success, according to him, begins in the imagination, with an idea. Obviously, this is the active imagination, not the passive imagination of daydreaming. Before dismissing this work as just pop psychology, this is just one of the Hermetic and/or spiritual teachings that he adapts to worldly success. A lot of contemporary New Thought or Law of Attraction teachings are distorted or incomplete renditions of Hermetic ideas.

The epigram above could have been written by Julius Evola, for example, who stressed the same inner state of self-mastery. It is no coincidence that Evola was concerned primarily with the Kshatriyas, not unlike HIll. Hill lists several negative emotions or habits—including suspiciousness, jealousy, uncontrolled sexual desire—that are obstacles to success. Enthusiasm, or thumos in our view, must be balanced with self-control. He mentions the Law of Mental Telepathy by which other can “tune in” to your thoughts. Your self-confidence will be sensed unconsciously by others. These examples can suffice for now.

An important quality for success is the ability to secure cooperation from others. This is called leadership. The main motives that impel men to action are:

  1. The motive of self-preservation
  2. The motive of sexual contact
  3. The motive of financial and social power.

Those who understand those motives will have greater ability in motivating others. Note that the motive of rationality or intellect and the motive of spiritual development are not at the top of the list. The Leader will try to gain cooperation through group harmony, and endeavoring to convince them so subsume their own interests to the group identity. Hill writes:

Find a motive around which men may be induced to rally in a highly emotionalized, enthusiastic spirit of perfect harmony and you have found the starting point for the creation of a Master Mind. It is a well known fact that men will work harder for the attainment of an ideal than they will for mere money. In searching for a “motive” as the basis for developing co-operative group effort it will be profitable to bear this fact in mind.

Some leaders know this by chance, while others understand the laws of motivation consciously. What Hill says can be verified: watch the news, read web sites, and try to see them in action. See how group identity and cohesion is formed, for example.

Attraction and Repulsion

Hill asserts that snap judgments and hunches come from a telepathic connection. Since men are not interiorly united, their audiences will pick up conflicting signals. That is why one man can be associated with widely divergent emotional reactions. Of course, the receivers of the telepathic communication have their own inner limitations, constrained by their three chief motives, which will distort the message. Unfortunately, most people never get beyond this reactive stage, particularly in the political realm. Facebook’s success is based fundamentally on clicking “like”, proving the point.

Yet this is to live at the very lowest state of stimulus/response of the etheric body, the pranamayakosha. This is the intellectual life of an amoeba. At least for the amoeba, attraction and repulsion can be a life or death decision, but for humans it just gets in the way of intelligent discourse.

White Collar Criminals and Success

I will add my own law of industriousness. Few men will actually act on their idea. A major motivator for this blog was my encounter with two white-collar criminals, primarily through their ex-wives. I got to know a lot about them, in great part because the wives held a great admiration for the men, despite the lies, betrayals, and financial decline that came to them.

These men were actually quite industrious in developing their schemes, maybe because it can be more difficult to live a lie than the truth. I got to see a large part of it. Denying their own moral culpability for their crimes, they were quite libertarian in their views. By that I mean that, in their own minds, they never coerced anyone, and their marks voluntarily played their roles in the scam, either out of greed, ignorance, or stupidity. The criminals felt no responsibility for the voluntary actions of their victims.

So I resolved to be industrious, since I have plenty of imagination and self-confidence. I have the first law of a “definite chief aim”, although I doubt anyone has figured it out. Most people who write me privately seem to think all these posts are random and independent, mostly for entertainment purposes. That is because they cannot grasp anything new, but can only interpret new things in terms of what they already know.

I must be low in a “pleasing personality” and the ability to “elicit cooperation”. The most inane facebook posts get several dozen, if not hundreds, of “likes”. Gornahoor, after weeks of research, and hours of writing from the heart for each post, might get half a dozen “pity likes”. I do appreciate them. We never get invited to speak at conferences or Internet podcasts.

So we are down to our last 50 posts. We could reveal the chief aim in #1001, or we may just fade away.

The Elusivity of Excellence

Imagine yourself suddenly discovering that most of your philosophy of life had been built of bias and prejudice, making it necessary for you to acknowledge that, far from being a finished scholar, you were barely qualified to become an intelligent student! ~ Napoleon Hill

The number of men who are able to live by pure reason, the higher intellect, or logos, is very small. The majority are dominated either by eros (sex, desire) or by thumos (anger, ambition). Hence, there will always be an irrational component in political and social life. In Napoleon Hill’s conception, reason is to be used for self-preservation, sex, and money. In his own self-development, he came to realize three things regarding worldviews:

  • That you may learn how and where you acquired your philosophy of life, in general;
  • That you may trace your prejudices and your biases to their original source;
  • That you may discover, as I discovered, how largely you are the result of the training you received before you reached the age of fifteen years

Even Hill’s outlined plan for a more peaceful world cannot overcome that irrational component because it requires the manipulation of emotion.

By a life of pure intellect, I mean one that is dedicated, but not limited, to meditation of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. This is rare to achieve, but well-worth the effort. Contrariwise, even intelligent and nominally educated people are focused on particulars.

  • They are intrigued by true facts, but not by Truth
  • They desire good things, but not the Good
  • They are attracted to beautiful things, but not to Beauty

These all have their deformations.

  • They are intrigued by falsities that confirm their prejudices and worldviews
  • They desire the pleasurable, even if it is not ultimately good
  • They are attracted to unusual and abnormal

I was educated in a Boston area school system that tried to teach excellence. The most intelligent, the best informed, and the cultured would be rewarded. However, the leaders of organizations attained, and retain, their positions, not through intellect alone, but because of their skills at organizing, not to say manipulating, others.

Patrician Rulers

Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Since rule by the philosopher-king is unlikely, the best kind of regime is the rule of the gentlemen, that is, of the patricians whose wealth comes from land, not from commercial activity. Because such men are guided interiorly by thumos, there will always be an irrational element in political life. This should be obvious, not just in theory, but also is easily verified empirically. Those who aspire to a life of action should pay close attention.

Whereas the masses are passive and contribute to society by procreation, the gentleman class redirects eros into more creative channels. The desire for fame feeds their ambition to lead and to rule. Such men are necessary despite the risk of bad rulers, who are not fully rational. Napoleon Hill makes the following point, based on his studies of successful men:

All of the great leaders, in whatever walks of life they have arisen, have been and are people of highly sexed natures.

In colloquial terms, these are the “alpha males”. They have an excess of sexual energy that gets sublimated to fame, fortune, and ambition. This separates the successful in worldly terms from the merely intelligent.

A successful system of rule was the Roman consul in the early years of the Republic. There were two consuls, each with veto power over the other. They were taken from the Patrician class and limited to a term of just one year. The idea of being a professional politician, such as we see today in the so-called Western democracies, was anathema. Today’s professional politicians become skilled at just one thing: the learn how to manipulate the political system. The Patrician, on the contrary, had demonstrated his skill at being successful in the world, as was committed to the welfare of the nation, not to a political faction or party.

To jump ahead a couple of millennia, we can look at the phenomenon of Donald Trump. Let’s detach from the spontaneous arising of either attraction or repulsion, often associated with him, and consider him as an archetype. Since the plantation system ended some time ago, Trump is the closest we have to a Patrician, having achieved financial success primarily through real estate rather than buying and selling, or worse. Moreover, he is an “outsider” to the political system. Like him or not, you would have probably felt the same way about particular Consuls. If his personality of off-putting to you, consider that a man cannot achieve such worldly success by being just like you. A young mother of four sons despises him, so I posed a question to her. Suppose a gypsy fortune teller offered these predictions for your sons:

  1. One would get an MBA degree from Wharton, one of the top 3 business schools in the country.
  2. The second son would make a billion dollars developing real estate around the world.
  3. The third would become a big TV star. [NOTE: I have never watched an episode of the Apprentice.]
  4. The fourth would run for president and defeat 16 other professional politicians

Objectively that is quite a resume and what mother would be displeased with that prognosis? Now I would prefer a Patrician to have more of that Roman dignity than we see in Trump. Nevertheless, in a democracy we can only vote for what is available. The question is still open: what kind of a man (or woman) do we admire? Someone who became wealthy by capitalizing on political connections? And excelling at party politics is hardly a skill worth bragging about.

Learn from this, all who aspire for leadership. It is never a matter of just winning intellectual arguments on abstruse issues. And minor contradictions don’t matter. The intelligentsia – that is, those who earn a living solely on words like journalists, lawyers, and so on – get exercised by so called “gotcha” questions: a minor inconsistency, an offensive remark, etc. In that way, they become totally oblivious to the actual world, mistaken their purely verbal formulations for reality itself.

NOTE: I am not particularly recommending Napoleon Hill, but am using him as a resource to understand the Kshatriya and Vaishya castes in the contemporary worlds.

10 thoughts on “The Law of Success

  1. All those pundits trying to predict the presidential election would have done themselves a service by reading this post.

  2. Pingback: This Week in Reaction (2016/05/29) - Social Matter

  3. yes, thirded/fourthed/fifthed, this blog is great. will be a sad day when its gone. also, i almost can’t believe you haven’t been asked on a podcast. that’s absurd. so many of these commenters publish their own podcasts.

  4. When I think of philosopher-king versus patrician power I parallel Ron Paul vs. Trump for some odd reason. Ron Paul is not exactly an archetype for Roman dignity, but I feel he is a little more cerebral in his politics / rooted moreso in ideas and a purist’s level of libertarianism and traditionalism whereas Trump is kind of bucking the system in his own weird way. It can be endearing and annoying at the same time. Paul doesn’t trust Trump because of his vested interests (Nu-Patrician? lol) However, unlike Trump, he doesn’t have the magnetism or “alpha-male” quality needed for people to instinctively “rally”, but I think he has better ideas. Of course, I’m not trying to be political, just exploring the theme presented above through political actors. I think the only way a philosopher king would rule is if the people themselves where all very appreciative of philosopher kings and a little more well read and spiritually developed. When I think of how that would happen my head literally just explodes. American feels like the diaspora right now, in my personal opion.

    On a side note: about facebook. I erased my profile exactly because of the observation listed above. I would say however, I have been following this blog and really will be sad to see it go. It has inspired me to embrace western tradition more than I would have previously – without feeling like a “racist” – I’m biracial but I know more about the european side of my family than the african side, so it is difficult to look at that tradition or understand it in context. I should make more of an effort.

  5. “He mentions the Law of Mental Telepathy by which other can “tune in” to your thoughts. Your self-confidence will be sensed unconsciously by others. These examples can suffice for now.’

    Im interested in the concept and general understanding for what passes as self-confidence , for example,
    1. some people act a certain way with all people all of the time = fixated personality
    2. Some people act in differing ways with differing people most of the time , but they could also be fixated with some people in essential parameters of expression all of the time, the former of 2. increasing as they grow out of teens, and meet many new people the later of 2. being with the people they knew in early years that they might still be in contact with .

    If the type 1 has a favoured type of personality in the present days times, integrated or outgoing, self-assured , ability to express their emotional status to another with tact, then they would generally be described as “self confident”
    If a type 1 had none of these above traits then they may be described as not self-confident

    In the case of the type 2 , it becomes more interesting , because to the people they knew as a teen , (former of 2) depending on the polarity of the type 1 they were initially emanating , they would be seen as self-confident or not so.
    But to the new people (later of 2) they knew in adult life, they may be perceived as self-confident by some and not self-confident by others.

    So here we start seeing what really is going on, that the idea of self-confidence is only accurate through the lens of relating perception that the judge of such has in their comprehension of the nature of being.

    And so i give you an example here of such, i once knew someone very well, that it could be said , from what they projected to me, that they were not self-confident , however , one day by chance , i encountered upon this very persona relating to other people in a public place , and they were performing in such a manner that any onlooker would only presume that that person seemed very self confident .

    So in conclusion , just like is beauty, the notion of self confidence is a very limiting factor in a quality judgement of anyone, it is a quality only in its ability to convince others of its supposed quality which is actually only based ob their own limitation of perception.

    with that in mind, is it possible that there is a transcending upwards self-confidence and a transcending downwards self-confidence.

    For example a person goes through life having been told and telling themselves they are self-confident to such a degree that they lose the ability to actually tune into another persons fragile need to communicate through a false bravado. So this person whilst thinking they are self confident arrives in company and instead of providing an atmosphere of open-ness in proceedings for expression, they have already by their fixated presence contaminated the atmosphere for potential free speech by an overriding subliminal strangulation on the psychic landscape which can be tangible in some instances, and this strangulation is amplified by their constant need to hold court in the conversation , no matter that by doing so, it would be impossible for all present to truly still have an authentic interest in what they say, because for that to occur , a dialectic harmonica process from differing views is required, not a rhetorical constant from a need to affirm ones status as self-confident in ones own opinion for which the others present can only feel repressed , no matter what the level or layer of story or expression is relayed. Because the relating is only about them affirming and delivering a said prepared meal , not about cooking a new meal, and one gets fed up of eating the same meal with someone each time , i imagine, i am using extremes here for highlighting downwards

    Now here is another version of upwards self confidence, it requires no audience , it is the ability in live communication to say something that at the time , your not completely sure off , but you are sure that the certainty will arrive in the future, and it does. This is a psychic gamble of sorts initially, but what if it has a particular sense of evolving at least equal to the common strand of self-confidence .
    Where would this be of use ? It would be of use, if one was attempting to ascertain certain so called intangible properties in the nature of the origin of thoughts that occur (relating to mental telepathy ) at any given moment in time during a live communication in text, or voice or other. Ive past my curfew now so i only get 5 and half hours sleep , the price of caring .

  6. Cologero, I’ll be very sad when the posts on this blog end. I have always felt that you were the most insightful author I have ever read. I say this not as flattery, but because I believe it to be true. I often feel so alienated from the world today with its constant focus on desire and nothing more. At the same time I realize that I do need to be more industrious with the knowledge I have. Recently, I have begun to treat your writings in a way many treat sermons. Get a message that confirms my worldview and continue on without any deep reflection. In any case, thank you for your time.

    On Trump: I am deeply conflicted because I really like how he is willing to bravely deny the tenets of the Left. However, he seems to be sign of our age as well. The man who is the most entertaining and outlandish gets the most attention. It’s possible that he is using the tenets of post-modernism to achieve higher goals (riding the tiger), but I don’t see any evidence that he has any knowledge of anything higher than power. Still it’s better to take a bad leader who establishes order than complete chaos right? I’m almost to the point that withdrawal from the world (especially in politics) sounds like an appealing option.

  7. What good will it be to reveal the chief aim in the last post when it can no longer be debated? Why not now?

    The reason this blog gets so little attention is simply because of its lack of marketing. It has great content but it’s aesthetic presentation and outreach are rather muted. Whereas slick ‘all style/spin and no substance’ propaganda gets the masses attention. It has always been the case (perhaps an inversion of recognisable quality) but that is just the way the world media works.

  8. I need a little poetic license here, Thomas, and I thought it was clear I was not recommending Napoleon Hill as an authority. At the end I wrote: “to understand the Kshatriya and Vaishya castes in the contemporary worlds”. So the intention was to describe the contemporary manifestation of the castes, not their traditional roles. To give him his due, however, is it bourgeois to achieve self-mastery over your own thoughts? In describing the situation of the modern world, I took as a source someone who has studied successful people in that world. The laws of power have not changed over the centuries, however.

    Hill is not putting reason at the service of …, he is describing what people actually do. The source for the thumos comment is actually Plato: to the extent that rulers are led by thumos, there will be a residue of irrationality in politics.

    The roles of the two castes are hard to differentiate today. Consider how much debate there is about the influence of commercial interests over the political process.

  9. I’m curious on what you base your assertion that Napoleon Hill is primarily concerning himself with Kshyatrias. His goals and attitude seem quite bourgeois – after all, you note that he puts reason at the service of self-preservation, sex, and money. You note that you’re referring to both the Kshyatria and Vaishya castes, but what differentiates them? Is it the role of thumos dominating the soul versus eros/material appetite?

Please be relevant.

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