The Tools of the Occult War (II)

These are the first four of the eight tools of the occult war identified by Julius Evola. For readers unfamiliar with the philosophical currents of Evola’s time, “positive” is usually called “scientific” today, at least in English. He also criticizes the philosophies of life (e.g., certain Germans, perhaps even Nietzsche as “life-affirming”), becoming (Bergson, Whitehead), and absolute spirit (Hegel, Gentile).

As other manifestations of subversive forces, he goes on to mention a dilettantish “traditionalism” (which is rampant today) and even zoological racism (the “hipster racism” or “race realism” of today). Then there are all the New Age movements, which have only multiplied in the past 75 years. They hide the true Tradition and can be identified by their preoccupation with strange and unusual phenomena, rather than true spirituality; Evola calls them demonic. We can add a certain fascination with the dark and the ugly, that some today want to identify with Tradition.

This is one topic that I hope will lead to many comments, discussing, identifying, and clarifying these tools of the subversive forces.

The Positivist Suggestion

It is necessary to get used to thinking that the so-called “positive” mode of doing history and of considering events is somewhat less a spontaneous product and prejudice typical of a very limited mentality, than a suggestion spread methodically in modern culture by anti-traditional forces, with the purpose of “covering” their action. Whoever believes that history is simply made by men and determined exclusively by economic, political, and social factors sees nothing else. And it is exactly such a world that “sees nothing else” that is needed by whoever wants to act clandestinely. A civilization dominated by the “positivistic” prejudice offers the ideal condition for an action developing along the “third dimension”:  and this is exactly the case of the current civilization.

Previously, we mentioned besides “positivistic” interpretations, those having as their basis abstract ideas of becoming”, of “life”, or even of the “Spirit”. In that we can consider a case of the application of a second tool of the occult war, which is:

The Tactic of the Surrogates

It is followed, every time that the danger of an “awakening” is manifested and the energies seek to turn beyond the plan dominated by ideas, in the operation of which the occult game of the forces of subversion can easily take place. In the case now mentioned, these confused ideas of “becoming”, “life”, “absolute Spirit”, etc., in fact, are only a decoy thrown at those no longer satisfied with positivistic patterns, and those whose gaze does not bring itself where it should. From the fog of such ideas, the field of action remains so well covered, as by the dark night of “positivistic” agnosticism.

The “tactic of the surrogates” develops, however, in a much more characteristic and effective way under the form of:

Tactic of Falsifying Substitution

This is what we are talking about. When the effects of destructive action, appearing even on the material plane and giving rise to clearly visible phenomena, exhibit a degree hot enough to provoke a reaction, this reaction confusedly seeks symbols and myths to serve as the base for an engine of reconstruction, and can also find it legitimate and consistent with its goal. It is almost always about symbols and points of reference that, in their historical aspect, remaining in the traditional past, recalled from atavistic depths through the forces of an organism that feels itself threatened by final destruction. In these cases, the occult war does not take place with a direct action, i.e., not by opposing such symbols, but ensures that they do not circulate and are not worth falsifying or counterfeiting, inasmuch as the reaction either remains limited, or diverted, or even overturned in an opposite direction, on which they naturally move on to apply the same influences present in the evil against which they wanted to act and in the decadence, from which they wanted to rise up from and believed in good faith to be rising up from.

This tactic can develop in diverse domains, in the political as well as in the spiritual camp, and seems today to have a totally special efficiency. It is worth looking at an example.

The most typical is constituted by “traditionalism”. The vague aspiration of a return to tradition, i.e., to a hierarchical and qualitative order centered in a transcendent spirituality and in an elite of its qualified and legitimate representatives, is diverted to in the form of “traditionalism”, i.e., of vague assumptions of a dilettantish, or militant, character that confuses Tradition with custom and the routine, that leads into a narrow-minded particularism, that stops at given, handed-down forms, and knows nothing of their spirit. In such a way, they present an easy game to their adversaries and provide a good decoy to those who, through the false goal of anti-traditionalism, bring their true blow against tradition and foment new developments of revolutionary subversion. So the reaction remains contained and the maneuver leads successfully to prearranged goals. What, in certain extremist circles, the idea of race threatens to become because of some assumptions in terms of zoological materialism, as so even the Nordic-Aryan idea and even the pagan idea, come back to a conjuncture of the type. It is about ideas that, if they were understood and represented in accordance with their true nature and their ancient spiritual and traditional content, could certainly carry out a creative and healing action within the limits of some peoples of the North. As they appear instead in the circles already indicated, first of all because of a lack of principles, then because of a profound incomprehension and deformation of the ancient “Aryan” world, and finally through the tyranny of immediate interests and irrational impulses, make us suspect the effect of a distorting action of the type indicated. In relation to the new Italy, one should make every effort that something of the type does not occur in certain re-evocations of Romanity. The idea of ancient Rome certainly exists among those who today could have the greatest reconstructive efficacy: it is necessary to see that this efficacy is not paralyzed by means of the reconstituted facsimiles or by mere rhetorical resurrections, or by academic, erudite, archeological and even simply juridical, political assumptions, to which naturally elude completely the central strength and soul of the Roman symbol.

Tactic of Reversal

The secret forces of worldwide subversion knew perfectly that the fundamental premise of order to be destroyed was the supernatural element, spirit conceived not as a philosophical abstraction, but rather as a higher reality and as the means of a process of transcendent integration of the personality. The limited influence that, in such a regard, the Catholic tradition could still have (here we cannot stop to analyze the means to come to that conclusion), the subversive forces had to try in every way to ensure that every new contemporary aspiration toward the supernatural, developing outside of the dominant religion, became distorted and paralyzed. The whole of what can be called neo-spiritualism, with allusion to the various theosophical, spiritist, Orientalizing, and “occultistic” sects can be considered the effect of one such maneuver. In all that, again, it is a question almost exclusively of deformation, counterfeits, and distortions of spiritual doctrine, due to the least qualified persons, who in this respect, seem often to be subjected to a truly demonic influence.

The consequent outcome is twofold. First of all, it provided an easy way of extending the general discredit into which those counterfeits had to fall, to the doctrines in themselves, with which they were practically put in condition of no longer damaging. We can mention that, in recent times, the maneuver has even employed political factors: and there are some circles that, in good faith, are able to see only “Masonry” (something that was made the synonym of revolutionary, anti-Christianity or international subversion) wherever one speaks of secret associations of esoteric symbols, even when such references lead back to ancient traditions, whose original spirit and aristocratic nature everyone should note.

In the second place, because of poorly understood theories and false practices, they are joined to channel all the forces that, constricted by the suffocating stranglehold of materialism and yearning for something extra-natural, not toward the supernatural, but rather toward the subnatural, i.e., the subconscious, mediumship, and, in general, toward a world that, far from representing an integration of the personality, can only propitiate its collapse and disintegration, as much by making of it the tool of some of the darkest “influences”. So with neo-spiritualism the danger constituted by true spirituality was contained and reduced to an almost inessential minimum.


10 thoughts on “The Tools of the Occult War (II)

  1. I think we have to define ‘fantastic’ as it’s a matter of opinion depending upon experience. From a rational perspective much of what Evola says is right, and yet I personally see a lot more depth in Steiner’s analysis, which speaks to personal experience more concretely. Something is only ‘fantastic’ if you don’t believe it’s possible, but there are not the usual rules and boundaries in the ‘other worlds’, of time and space, for one, which are pretty enormous limiting factors on the physical plane. The rules ‘on the other side’ are different but the playing is just as hard. I agree, however, that one must learn to read Steiner in a particular way and not take everything to heart or on board, simply to scan for what resonates.

  2. Charlotte, thanks for the quote, which I read in full at your site. I agree that Steiner is useful, just trying to place him in full context. As Cologero says, we learn from and (hopefully) in some sense, go beyond (in the sense of seeing their failings more clearly).

  3. I wonder how we should see the present wars around the world in light of all this….

  4. Steiner may be helpful as you say Charlotte, but in reality the only reason why Evola is “dry” is because he doesn’t stray into unnecessary or fantastic areas in his analysis of the occult war.

    You are certainly right about thinking for ourselves. Many esotericists have a hidden need, sometimes even a vice, to rest upon the shoulders of this or that authority.

  5. well I think it’s tricky to find any occultist (human after all) who doesn’t have failings, though? Evola, Guenon etc are routinely attacked for being ‘fascist’ or whatever – I think it’s partly a hazard of the job and a consequence of the times they lived in. Even VT had, in my opinion, unfair ideas to do with shamanism, so I can’t even agree with him on everything. Lots of wisdom to be learned from them all but we must always take care to show discernment and think for ourselves…also to be heedful of the fact that we are at a different stage in history, esoteric or otherwise. Nevertheless, I do think Steiner’s insight into the occult war are very illuminating in the present context, bringing a bit more spirt to the dryness of Evola, which I nonetheless found useful.

  6. Steiner was tainted with evolutionary worldviews, but “knew” better. That statement of his about religious “feeling” demonstrates such. Steiner was Goethe’s heir, so he shared Goethe’s failings. Just as there is a danger that the individual could “fail” and collapse in the postmortem state, so there is a cosmic danger that this world could implode, in more than a physical manner. Christians can “rest” in Christ’s sure sacrifice, but this may entail complications which are unnecessary, not to mention enormous suffering.

  7. Oddly enough I was compelled yesterday to revist one of Rudolf Steiner’s stranger books, Secret Brotherhoods and the Mystery of the Human Double, in particular the lectures relating to Individual Spirit Beings and the Constant Foundation of the Universe.

    I know there are no big Steiner fans here (unless they’re hiding!), but in the present context he is very helpful and penetrates even further into the ‘nature of the beast’, as it were. I just transcribed a large portion of this work on Alchemical Weddings:

    One thing I’ve ommitted is the constant talk of ‘post Atlantean epochs’, be they fifth, sixth or whatever, as I’ve never really made sense of them, perhaps I don’t like the labels.

    Here is the end of the extract, which I think you might enjoy:

    What lies in store for humanity is that cosmic forces will be won for humanity in a dual way that is wrong or a single way that is right. This will bring a genuine renewal to astrology, which is atavistic in its old form – a form in which it cannot continue to exist. Those who know about the cosmos will struggle against each other….for the remainder of earthly existence the dead will collaborate with us to a high degree.

    The moment you penetrate fully into all the secrets of the double, you will find yousrelf able to assess the value of brains that are merely lumps which you have placed on a scale, lumps which can be brought to life solely by the double.

    You must come to realise that all the wishy-washy talk of ‘cosmic religosity’ or ‘how powerful the yearning for it is’, and so on is nothing other than a means of spreading fog over these matters which ought actually to be entering the world in clarity and which, above all, ought only to be carried in clarity into human life as practical moral and ethical impulses.

    It generally sheds light on the nature of the occult war as it is manifesting now, very helpful I thought, along with Evola’s texts. When occultists manage to agree you know you’re onto something!

    Also coincidentally, the recent talk of ‘Saturn’ made me think, firstly, that he was eaten by his children so we should really focus more on IoPitar? Also I was contacted by a group related to the Philosophers of Nature, so of course the memory of ‘touching saturn’ was revived. Interesting synchronicities from a personal point of view that may also resonate with others here.

  8. Tactic number 3, falsifying substitution. Classic example of this would be the resurgent Confederacy of the southern states in 1865 – they thought they were fighting for altar and hearth – in reality, they were being used to provoke a frightful advance of the occult power, by obscuring the goal in the midst of a provoked reaction. I suppose 1938 Germany might be an even better example. Each time this “false start” occurs, it cements the overall process.

  9. Evola is unusually clear and prescient, and not so wordy, in these passages. Many thanks! I am interested in his idea that the Catholic Church (at that point, and perhaps still) could be made a bulwark against certain tendencies and currents. I fear that we may have moved beyond such a point, irremediably, although certainly the question cannot be decided on an empirical basis. My instinct tells me that the Church could still be awakened, that it slumbers, and that it is a sleeping giant. Who will awaken her?

  10. Yes, subversion – ‘black magic’ works by subverting and perverting the true spiritual forces, in no small part through ‘bad practice’. Depending on the individual and their potential and actual power, this can indeed be disastrous. The abomination of the desolation, the breaching of the Holy of Holies. the rend must be fixed. The ancient forces tend to react badly – out of character, out of bed the ‘wrong way’ – when needlessly awoken (mediumship), roused for the wrong reasons. And yes, it is all too easy to be deceived outside the known framework, the ‘safe zone, amounting to entering a labyrinth without the guiding thread which one follows in order to return. The severance of the silver cord is no laughing matter, one requires rescue!

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