Mouravieff Continues

Boris Mouravieff’s opus is a testimony to his own search for truth, & to the unity of that very Truth which he sought. Here he speaks of the complex nature of grasping an infinite Truth, which often occurs in stages –

It is only after the Second Threshold that the awe-struck Faithful begin to progressively discover this world through the medium of their higher centres. About the working of these centres we have already quoted the following words of St Isaac the Syrian: ‘The soul, like the body,has two eyes: but while the eyes of the body both see things in the same way, those of the soul see them differently; one contemplates the Truth in symbols and images; the other contemplates it face to face.’

The following addresses “primordial man” from the position of the Orthodox idea of “assimilation” (or lack of it) with God.

From the Book of Genesis it is evident that, before the fall, Adam was clearly conscious of his real T, which enabled him to be in direct contact with God. On the other hand, he only had a rudimentary consciousness of the T of his Personality, which may be compared with contemporary cultured man’s consciousness of the T of his body when involved in his daily activities. In other words, before the fall, Adam was confluent with God, From the moment that he became confluent with his Personality, the fall came about. Technically speaking, if Adam had played the role initially assigned to him, he would have maintained the balance between the divine plane and the human plane by adhering to the androgynous race. Instead of that, when the Serpent ensnared Eve, and when she gave him the fruit of this ensnarement to taste, he went over to her side. That is when a magic sleep overcame him, and his descendants after him. Ever since then, adamic man has taken for reality the dreams that the sleeping little Serpent? curled up in his sacrum, produce in him, This state, which is normal for all the species of organic Life on Earth including the humanity of the Vlth Day, is entirely abnormal for adamic man, who contains higher centres of consciousness within him. It is therefore necessary for him to awaken this little Serpent to recover the consciousness of his Real T, for the most part forgotten and, even at the eleventh hour, to fulfill his true mission on this Earth, the one that the Lord God entrusted to him.

This is a reference to the kundalini. It also addresses the Biblical symbolism of Christ the brazen serpent in the wilderness.

Readers of ‘Gnosis’ will understand that he was referring to the higherSt John says: ‘Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.’ This is one aspect of this symbol, an aspect concerning the common run of man, known as the Man-Beast.

Mouravieff believes that geometric symbols (combined with numerology) literally give a symbolon (or seal) which unlocks the code of the only knowledge worth having, besides which, none other is needed. 666 designates a certain configuration (the reader will have to refer to diagrams in Gnosis).

Book knowledge is most definitely not adequate for “the power of godliness”, if it is alone.

It is important to add that the student reached these discoveries only after an accumulation of tension arising from his desire to learn, accompanied by a concentration which is both willed and necessary. This concentration must be focused on the point of research chosen, while simultaneously being directed toward the student’s own depths. This demands the application of double attention. With success in this, the student passes successively from one partial revelation to another, until he finally attains an integral revelation of the symbol, which then appears to him full of meaning, Beauty and Life. It would be vain to ask for explanations. All that can be communicated in substance to the yet underdeveloped Personality of the seeker is already in the symbol. Work on this symbol, as on those that follow, demands progressive and real development of the Personality. Without this development, the student cannot go beyond the level of speculation; he may find it interesting, but it will be purely intellectual, and that cannot take him very far in his researches. Thousands and thousands of books on symbols and symbolism arc now on the market. They are written by erudite and sincere men, but all attempts to ‘decode’ and explain a true esoteric symbol by purely intellectual means, however great and however refined they may be, are insufficient and cannot lead to the desired goal. There is, however, one stumbling-block. This is impatience, the wish to get results immediately. If we give way to this desire, we fall into the error which is typical in this kind of research — that is — we will tackle the problem by purely intellectual means. But in this domain, nothing can be acquired by the Cartesian spirit acting alone. This is no longer purely a question of intelligence, but also of wisdom, and a simultaneous and sufficient emotional participation is necessary. Neither the head alone nor the heart alone can lead the student far. We would not know how to pick up an object with only one finger: we could touch it or push it, but to hold it, the simultaneous action of two fingers is necessary. If he does not wish to fail, the student who tackles the elements of Gnosis or higher Knowledge must realize from the beginning that work on these symbols requires a simultaneous effort of head and heart,

For those interested in the key to the geometric configurations, and how the Logos structures reality:

I. LOVE (coming from the Absolute I) AFFIRMATION,
II. LOVE (coming from the Absolute II), VERB, LOGOS.
III. LOVE (coming from the feminine principle), QUEEN OF
IV. LOVE (coming from the Absolute III) PRINCE OF THIS
WORLD. V. NUTRITION (from the coarsest food right up to
supreme Knowledge {Connaissance).
X. LIFE, perpetual vibration.
XVIII. FIXATION (from immobility to ecstasy), WAITING. XIX.
REINTEGRATION (Into the bosom of the Lord). XX.
WHOLE, in Space and Time as well as out of Space and Time,
comprising the perceptible and the imperceptible, the imaginable and the unimaginable. The integral Love belonging to the Androgyne. This has been known since time immemorial, which is proved by the fact that each of these numbers gave birth to a letter of the sacred alphabets: in the Egypto-Judaic tradition these letters had as prototypes the twenty-two images from which they had been derived. Represented by the letters of the Hebraic alphabet, the twenty-two Major Numbers are known in the Christian Tradition, where they are not associated with images but are systematically revealed in King David’s Psalm CXVIII, which forms twenty-two verses.

The two races of men are discussed – an interesting conclusion is reached by Mouravieff, who thinks that the parable of the talents refers to God taking away the higher centers of consciousness latent in an “Aryan” man & giving them either to worthy servants or even to a Samaritan “dog” (one of the lesser spiritual races who strives to gain them).

But Adam was not created on the Vlth Day, at the same time as pre-adamic man and the animals. The Book of Genesis tells us that be was created on the VITIth Day, after God had consecrated the VIIth to His rest.9 The process of his creation was not simple, as with the man of the Vlth Day. Like the latter, Adam was created first, and conceived later. As far as his hylic body was concerned, he was createdin the note LA, but of a light matter—the dust of the ground. His psychological body was also created— this was in the note SI. But his pneumatic body was conceived in the *?, through direct contact with the Absolute II, from which he received the Breath of Life, the divine essence that dominates ephemeral life and, according to the Scriptures, turns it into a living Sou/.10 This is added to his hylic substance and that of his psyche, both of them of a higher nature, although still human. This process, accomplished by means of the higher centres of consciousness through which Adam was linked with the mind (intelligence) of Christ*1 is symbolized by the Major Number VII. The analysis of the latter Number led to the formula; III + I – IV in this the Major Number IV intervenes as the Love of the Androgyne, which is therefore integral in its perpetual vibration. It acts through the Breath of Lift, the emanation of the Love of the Absolute II that Adam received in the *P of the Second cosmic Octave. Doubled by the feminine Love (III) of Eve, who had been created from him and not outside him, the Androgynous ADAM-EVE represented the true and complete Microcosmos, called on to form a higher human race — a race of Sons of God, or leaders responsible for the development of organic Life on Earth according to the divine Plan of Creation. This race, because of its particular nature, was not intended to participate in animal reproduction, nor in the alternating sequence of birth and death.In the next chapter we will come back to the question of the coexistence of the -two human races before and after the Fall. For the moment, let us try to grasp the esoteric symbolism of the Major Numbers XIII and VII from the practical point of view. If we now refer to figures 12 and 13, we will notice that the physiology of adamic man before the Fall was essentially different from that of the creatures of the VIth Day of Creation, pre-adamic man included. Whereas God had willed for these creatures an ephemeral existence, subject to the law of birth and death so that the interval between FA and MI of the Great Octave could be filled, Adam, the man of the VIIth Day, was created and conceived under the law of permanence to which the breath of life received from the Absolute II entitled him. In other words, whereas pre-adamic man was provided with only one nature, a human essence, adamic man was endowed with a dual nature: one part human but superior, coming from the finest expression of the notes LA and SI, and the other divine, coming from the *P or breath of God. Incidentally, we may note that this throws light on the Christian dogma of the dual nature of Jesus Christ.14 As the Son of Man in the midst of a corrupt and degenerate mixed humanity, the Son of God represented the New Adam, the perfect prototype of adamic man before the Fall, possessing in full and manifesting the eight powers that enable one to dominate the nature of things. Simultaneously, the deeper meaning of the word ‘Gospel’ is unveiled — the Good News, the written record of the divine revelation which offers corrupted adamic man a practical possibility of Redemption.

There was a race of “godlike” beings…who “fell” & mixed with the lower races – we are now so mixed that separation will have to occur on a personal level first.

By identifying himself with the T of his Personality, Adam lost consciousness of his real T and fell from the Eden that was his original condition into the same condition as the pre-adamics. Before the fall, the adamics came under the sole authority of the Absolute II, and they played their part in the note SI under the impulse of the \|/ of the second cosmic octave. The two humanities, coming from the two different creative processes, later mingled on the level of organic life on Earth, which comes under the authority of the Absolute III. From then on, the coexistence of these two human types, and the competition that was the result of this, became the norm. Now, las the children of this world are in their generation more able than the children of light’ we can see that throughout the centuries, even in our own day, adamics in their post-fall condition, have been and are generally in an inferior position to the pre-adamics.

Corruptio optima pessimi — the Aryan who fails to self-realize will be worse off than a pre-Adamic, who will be judged far less harshly.

If we do not take this opportunity, the tradition of’Solomon’ will finally overcome the tradition of’David’–that is, it will overcome the Christian tradition in the planetary sense of this term. Then, deflected from the Absolute II, and even going beyond the limits of what is necessary and useful in the mission of the Absolute III in the deification of the Personality, the false prophets and their followers, thinking that they are right, will hurl pre-adamic humanity the children of this world — against the adamics — the children of light — and will provoke a final frightful and useless struggle. If this should happen, and if then, the new adamic elite does not manage to quell the revolt against the Love of the Absolute II and, paradoxically, against the authority of the Absolute III, a resistance that would ensure victory, the balance will finally be broken, and humanity will be destroyed in the Deluge of Fire.

A stand must be made for the sake of the world — the divine mission of the Aryan spiritual race to begin with. Do we wish to ascend, or to become a permanently “dark planet”? The fate lies, and will always lie, with the elite. It is foolish and childish to blame (ultimately) our enemies — they know not what they do. However, those who have the higher means to know, but don’t, will have their divinity taken away and given to “little people”.

Note: Incidentally, if one wishes to “bridge” the esoteric meaning (what is “good”) in Steiner with that of Mouravieff, read Bondarev and Max Heindel.

2 thoughts on “Mouravieff Continues

  1. My thanks to Gornahoor for introducing me to Boris Mouravieff, the most important author after Guenon and Evola at the point. I have all three volumes and reading them produces, simultaneously, great anxiety and exaltation.There is much to learn and understand but so little time.

    Are the ”children of light” that original polar, hyperborean race of whom Tilak, Guenon, Wirth and Evola speak of, bringing down the knowledge from ancient homeland of Hyperborea to Atlantis, Egypt, India, Persia etc. i.e. Aryans or Indo-Europeans? Just trying to construct a metahistorical perspective in order to clarify certain things.

  2. ´Now, las the children of this world are in their generation more able than the children of light’ we can see that throughout the centuries, even in our own day, adamics in their post-fall condition, have been and are generally in an inferior position to the pre-adamics.´
    Story of my life…

    How terrible is wisdom when it brings no blessing to the wise.

Please be relevant.

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