Sex and Violence

Sex and Violence

we are always guided by Augustine’s maxim that the truth lies in the interiority of man. This we shall do by following our earlier analysis of the various faculties of the soul. The forces of thymos and epithymia (or eros) channeled toward higher values, and are dominated by the rational or intellectual soul. Hence, from thymos he experiences the energy or force to strive for transcendence. Epithymia acts as the attractive force. Continue reading

Creativity, Nonduality, Inspiration

You hear — you do not seek; you take — and do not ask who gives: a thought suddenly flashes up like lightning, it comes as a necessity, without hesitation — I have never had any choice in the matter. There is an ecstasy so great that the immense strain of it is sometimes relaxed by a flood of tears during which one does not know whether one is coming or going. ~ Nietzsche Continue reading

Transmutation: A Novel

A frequent visitor to Gornahoor, Lydia Bisanti, asked me to make her novel Transmutation: A novel about Eternal Love available in the Gornahoor library. This is how she describes herself: Lydia Bisanti’s interest in metaphysics started in the seventies when she discovered the writings of Rene Guenon, a French metaphysician … Continue reading

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